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Red Friday Ozark

We Wear Red, We Share Pride!

Red Friday - Join Us

Are you proud to be a Tiger? It doesn’t matter if you graduated from Ozark High School or not, you are currently a part of the Ozark community and we want you to show your Ozark Tiger pride! That’s why Ozark School District, in partnership with the Ozark Chamber and City of Ozark, is kicking off our Red Friday Ozark campaign!


True education is collaborative within a community. Parents, businesses, local civic leaders and the wider community all play essential roles to ensure each student succeeds. The purpose of our campaign is to bring the community together each Friday with everyone — students and staff at all of our schools, parents, and the Ozark business and civic community — wearing red to show your Ozark pride.

How do I participate? 

EASY!!! Wear red on Fridays!  If you want to share your Tiger Pride with others take photos and post them on on social media, tagging Ozark School District and using the hashtag #RedFridayOzark.

 Read More about Red Friday Ozark                  Decal Request Form


"We hope to not only increase school spirit, but pride for our Ozark community as a whole. I want Red Friday Ozark to bring the schools, the businesses, and the community together for a common goal and purpose — to show support to not only our students, but our local businesses and community.”
Dr. lori wilson, ozark school district superintendient 


"The partnership between the city, school and our local businesses has always been an important part of our city heritage and what makes us such a strong community. The emphasis of Red Friday is a wonderful visual image of showing this ongoing and lasting relationship.”
Don currence, Ozark Mayor

"I believe in the power of community unity. When we stand together, we're unstoppable. Red Friday Ozark is more than just wearing red — it's a symbol of our collective strength and pride in our town.”
Guy callaway, ozark Area Chamber of Commerce Board President