Operation Renovate & Innovate
Operation Renovate & Innovate is Phase One of the District's Long Range Plan; however, it's about more than buildings. We are enhancing our educational philosophy and becoming more innovative in our approach to education.
Ozark voters approved the $26.5 million no tax increase bond issue on the June 2, 2020, ballot.
The projects include renovating the Ozark Innovation Center to become a second high school campus, and remodeling the former District Office to expand Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center. Here is an updated timeline.
The projects were completed August, 2022. Grades shifted for the 2022-23 school year:
- Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center - Pre-K classes added
- Elementary - K-4
- Ozark Middle School - 5-6
- Ozark Junior High - 7-8
- Ozark High School + Innovation Center - 9-12
Project Details
ORI Updates
Construction continues to move forward, with crews at Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center and the Ozark Innovation Center day after day. Currently, we remain on track to have both projects completed for the 2022/23 school year.
Check out progress at Tiger Paw Early Childhood and the Ozark Innovation, including the secure entrance to Finley River School.
Take a look at the most updated floor plan for the Ozark Innovation Center.