Operational Definitions
Qualified Tutoring - Qualified tutoring is governed by Section 167.640, RSMo. These students receive targeted instructional efforts for at least one of the following reasons: (1) more than one grade level below current placement in reading or math, (2) below basic as measured by the MAP assessments, or (3) tutoring conditional for promotion to the next grade-level.
Regular Tutoring - Instructional efforts designed to support students who are at-risk of falling behind in skills/conceptual attainment or assigned coursework.
Goals of Program
General K-12 Guidelines - Every student is eligible for tutoring if that tutoring can be tied back to improvement in any class (core, fine art, practical art, etc.) with approval from the building principal.
Tutoring begins the first Tuesday in September.
- Use the RTI model to help students, teachers and parents choose appropriate interventions to improve student academic success
- Use a selection process for students who participate in the tutoring program
- Use an accountability feature to define both individual student and program success
Tutoring Guidelines K-4
Student Guidelines
Tutoring guidelines focus on students who:
- Need intervention based on observation and assessment data (see qualified tutoring above)
- Based on observation and assessment data, need assistance with skill or concept attainment
- Need additional time to complete coursework
Teacher Guidelines
- The building principal must approve tutoring (student and teacher).
- Teachers must put the tutoring student’s names on the building approved form (form title) with their hourly tutoring for reimbursement on a monthly basis. Teachers may not declare tutoring hours after the time sheets have been turned in unless approved by an administrator. Note: The RTI process is the preference; however, it should not limit a student from receiving tutorial services. If a student has not been referred to the RTI team, but is in need of tutoring, s/he should be given tutoring opportunities with approval from the building principal.
- District-approved assessments, as determined by the building principal, should be given to each student tutoring to check for learning progress.
- Other examples of student improvement (teacher observation, etc), as approved by the building principal, may also be used for accountability.
OMS/OJH Tutoring Guidelines
Student Guidelines
A student’s referral to the STOMP program is based on the recommendation of the RTI team. The RTI team determines whether a student receives district-paid tutoring services via the STOMP program.
Tutoring guidelines focus on students who:
- Are more than one grade level behind in reading
- Need intervention based on observation and assessment data (see qualified tutoring above)
- Based on observation and assessment data, need assistance with skill or concept attainment
- Need additional time to complete coursework
Teacher Guidelines
- Students and teachers assigned to STOMP are identified by the RTI team and administrative teams. Teachers apply to tutor through the building administrator. The RTI team recommends tutoring for students based on student need and forward the recommendation to the administrative team for final approval.
- Teachers must put the tutoring student’s names on the building approved form (form title) with their hourly tutoring for reimbursement on a monthly basis. Teachers may not declare tutoring hours after the time sheets have been turned in unless approved by an administrator.
- District-approved assessments, as determined by the building principal, should be given to each student tutoring to check for student progress.
- Other examples of student improvement (teacher observation, etc.), as approved by the building principal, may also be used for accountability.
- Middle School Tutoring 2024-2025
- Junior High Tutoring 2024-2025
OHS Tutoring Guidelines
Student Guidelines
Tutoring guidelines focus on students who:
- Need intervention based on observation and assessment data (see qualified tutoring above)
- Based on observation and assessment data, need assistance with skill or concept attainment
- Are losing persistence to graduation
- Desire tutoring related to college entrance exams
- Need additional time to complete coursework
Teacher Guidelines
- Teachers apply for tutoring through the building administrative team.
- Teachers must put the tutoring student’s names on the building approved form (form title) with their hourly tutoring for reimbursement on a monthly basis. Teachers may not declare tutoring hours after the time sheets have been turned in unless approved by an administrator.
- District-approved assessments, as determined by the building principal, should be given to each student tutoring to check for student progress.
- Other examples of student improvement (teacher observation, etc), as approved by the building principal, may also be used for accountability.