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Portrait of a Graduate

What describes a successful Ozark graduate? 

   In 2020, we gathered members of our community and asked what character traits are important for an Ozark graduate. The discussion resulted in nine traits we have embedded within our curriculum to ensure our graduates are prepared for success.

“Portrait of a Graduate is what our community said were the most important dispositions, skills and knowledge that our graduates need to be our next generation of community members. They will be our politicians, our non-profits, our parents — they are Ozark,” said Assistant Superintendent of Learning Dr. Craig Carson. “Portrait of a Graduate allows us to teach social skills that our community has said are important for all students to know.”

Below explore stories from around the district that illustrate how we work to tie everything we do in the classroom, starting with our littlest learners at Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center, back to our Portrait of a Graduate words.