Portrait of a Graduate
What describes a successful Ozark graduate?
In 2020, we gathered members of our community and asked what character traits are important for an Ozark graduate. The discussion resulted in nine traits we have embedded within our curriculum to ensure our graduates are prepared for success.
“Portrait of a Graduate is what our community said were the most important dispositions, skills and knowledge that our graduates need to be our next generation of community members. They will be our politicians, our non-profits, our parents — they are Ozark,” said Assistant Superintendent of Learning Dr. Craig Carson. “Portrait of a Graduate allows us to teach social skills that our community has said are important for all students to know.”
Below explore stories from around the district that illustrate how we work to tie everything we do in the classroom, starting with our littlest learners at Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center, back to our Portrait of a Graduate words.
- Critical Thinker
- Empathetic
- Foundationally Literate
- Personally Responsible - Reliable
- Collaborative
- Confident
- Flexible & Adaptable
- Teachable
- Resilient
- Portraits of a Graduate
Critical Thinker
What it means: Evaluating information, seeing patterns and connections, making meaning, testing ideas, and applying to real world
The Math Mentor Squad is comprised of OMS sixth grade math teachers Emily Burns and Josiah Johnson who make fun, engaging math videos for students. Since debuting the videos in the 2023-24 school year, they have not only seen more students engaged in class, but they've noticed students having more confidence.
In April, Ozark School District celebrated its first class of Academy Capstone students. The inaugural class consisted of 24 seniors who spent the school year researching and completing projects that aim at helping or improving the community in some way. Their projects were showcased at the April Board of Education meeting.
What it means: Understanding the experiences, perspectives, and needs of people around you and navigating relationships with generosity and patience
Ozark Middle School fifth graders in social studies class learned more than history during the first semester. Many of them also had a lesson in compassion, empathy and how it is better to give than to receive.
The theme at East Elementary this school year is “Difference Maker,” and that’s exactly what Tiger Team, comprised of fourth graders, are hoping to accomplish — make a difference in the lives of teachers, fellow students and even the community.
Foundationally Literate
What it means: Academically mastering reading, writing, numeracy, scientific inquiry, digital skills, financial literacy, and civic understanding
There are many proven benefits to recreational reading, just ask Emily Schaefer, Academic Interventionist at West Elementary.
Ask a South Elementary third grader what the three branches of government are, and chances are they’ll not only be able to tell you, but they can give you real-world examples. That’s because during the month of September, students learned about the state of Missouri, including the history, the Constitution, how the government is run, and how it functions with checks and balances.
Personally Responsible - Reliable
What it means: Accepting tasks and duties with trustworthiness and accountability for the results
Students were smiling from ear to ear as they held the oversized scissors and proudly cut the red ribbon to their new apartment on Dec. 12. That’s right, a group of Ozark High School students have an apartment in the Ozark Innovation Center. Don’t worry, they don’t actually live there, but the space will be a vital part of hands-on learning for the District’s special education department.
If your child attends Ozark West Elementary, you may have heard them talk about Tiger Tickets, the Golden Tray, Paws-itive Principal Referrals or even a Surprise Attendance Day. That’s because these are all part of West’s PBIS system.
What it means: Working well with others to reach a common goal
Ozark High School art students, led by art teacher Ashleigh Hawkins, have been busy spreading holiday cheer all over the Ozark Square and OIC! Their vibrant and festive window paintings have turned the area into a magical winter wonderland, bringing smiles and holiday spirit to the whole community.
Ozark Junior High School hosted its second annual Team Day on Sept. 20, an event designed to foster teamwork, school spirit and a sense of belonging among students. The day focused on bringing students together to learn the importance of collaboration in a fun and engaging way, while also helping them bond with their teams.
What it means: Thinking and acting independently with self-awareness
If you were to walk into North Elementary first thing in the morning, you would notice all the teachers are doing the same thing: Having their Morning Meeting. Morning Meetings are a time for teachers to build community and teach different character traits around Portrait of a Graduate.
OHS Senior Kamran Hinton is ready to take the next steps in his education. On May 22, he signed with Missouri State to be a part of the Bear POWER program, the second Ozark student to do so.
Flexible & Adaptable
What it means: Adjusting to new conditions, different roles, unpredictable situations, and shifting contexts
South second grade students learned all about the importance of customer service, social skills, teamwork, time management and budgeting while opening their very own restaurant April 16 for staff, their families and the community.
The Branson Job Olympics, held March 27, is designed to give students with disabilities the opportunity to practice job-related skills that will enhance their lifelong goal of being employed. Twelve school districts participated with nearly 200 students competing in areas including hospitality, culinary, child care, department store events, grocery industry, automotive detail and business events.
What it means: Willing and able to seek knowledge and develop skills in all settings
If you walk into Alexis Ennis’ classroom at Ozark Middle School, you never know what you might see. Students may be bedazzling monogram stickers, creating something on the 3-D printer, making friendship bracelets or crocheting. It’s all part of the business technology class and it’s creating a buzz all over the school.
The Branson Job Olympics, held March 27, is designed to give students with disabilities the opportunity to practice job-related skills that will enhance their lifelong goal of being employed. Twelve school districts participated with nearly 200 students competing in areas including hospitality, culinary, child care, department store events, grocery industry, automotive detail and business events.
What it means: Overcoming obstacles, learning through missteps, adapting to challenges, and persisting despite setbacks
OHS Senior Kamran Hinton is ready to take the next steps in his education. On May 22, he signed with Missouri State to be a part of the Bear POWER program, the second Ozark student to do so.
One by one students in their fancy dresses and bow ties entered the Ozark Innovation Center on April 19, greeted with cheers, high fives and fist bumps as they walked the gold carpet. Organized by the Ozark High School special education department, it’s a night students look forward to each year. It’s the Spring Fling.
Portraits of a Graduate
What it means: This section highlights the exemplary work of our graduates who embody all of these Portrait of a Graduate traits on their way to success.
Ozark High School senior Nathanael Martin recently made history by becoming one of the first students in Ozark history to be nominated for the prestigious U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.
On Jan. 16, Ozark High School 2017 graduate Wyatt Fritsch saw a dream come true as he watched Blue Origin launch its New Glenn rocket into orbit with his engineering work aboard.