Enhancing Educational Philosophy
We are enhancing our philosophy and becoming more innovative in our approach to education in a way that will impact every current and future Ozark student, starting with our earliest learners at Tiger Paw Early Childhood Center.
We could have moved programs and gain space, but all we'd have done is expand the factory model of education from the 50's and 60's. That is not our goal.
The internal planning set the framework for this paradigm shift. These conversations will continue to grow to include all Ozark staff and the community as we move forward.
What Does it Mean to be Innovative?
We surveyed staff, parents, students and Ozark Chamber of Commerce members to see what themes come to mind when they think of innovation and education.
The surveys from our staff, parents, students and community resulted in several common themes including building aesthetics, safety and logistics, athletics, audio visual/technology, core curriculum, non-core curriculum and special education.
When surveying our Chamber of Commerce, technology was the most popular theme, followed by imagination, creativity, flexibility and diversity.
Our Vision
We updated our vision statement to “An innovative school district preparing students to use their talents for success.”
Our goal is to bring the talents of our students to the community. We want our graduates to return to our area to become a part of the community.
We are working to find ways to merge business and education. But what does that look like? We surveyed members during a Chamber of Commerce luncheon for ideas and we are working with our high school staff to discuss these opportunities.