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News & Events
Ozark Rotary Club recently donated $8,000 to Ozark School District programs. Care to Learn Ozark, which helps meet the immediate needs of students in the areas of health, hunger, and hygiene, received $4,000, while Finley River School, which provides alternative education, also received $4,000.
If your child attends Ozark West Elementary, you may have heard them talk about Tiger Tickets, the Golden Tray, Paws-itive Principal Referrals or even a Surprise Attendance Day. That’s because these are all part of West’s PBIS system.
In case Ozark School District needs to cancel school, use late start procedures or early release procedures due to inclement weather, we want you to be informed of the process. Student and faculty safety is the primary concern in making the call for cancelation versus late start or early release.
Ozark School District is proud to continue its partnership in the Success Ready Students Network and present our first alternative annual performance report, which is allowing the District to pioneer more student success.
District Calendar
Ozark School District
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